How to Start Essays: Fresh Ideas from an Experienced Writer

Many a writer has suffered from writer’s block. A freelance writer has to be able to come up with interesting topics on a daily basis. Most professional writers have tricks to help them come up with interesting and entertaining topic when they need one in a hurry. Utilize some of these tips when you are looking for fresh ideas.


  • Check daily news releases for interesting ideas
  • Explore social media for fresh topics
  • Peruse a local and national newspaper when on the search for a good essay topic
  • Watch a news or entertainment show to see what is trending
  • Use a keyword search for your favorite hobbies, sport teams, and interests
  • Listen –just listening to people talk will give you an awareness of what interests them and it may give you some ideas
  • All the major internet providers now have news sections these days-check out what is trending at the different sites
  • There are a number of free speech and debate sites online, you can use a speech or debate topic for an essay as well
  • If you use a tutor or a writing coach, have them help you to locate fresh ideas and topics
  • Take you most favorite subject and research the complete opposite of it, sometimes looking at the other side or extreme opposite can make for a good idea for a paper
  • Search all the popular and academic databases you know to see what might be out there that is different
  • When you see an interesting magazine or article, cut it out and place it in an idea folder, this will mean you always have sources to turn to in a time of need
  • Ask your teacher, your teacher may have come innovative and intriguing ideas for essay topics

When you need an interesting topic for an upcoming essay, it can often be hard to find fresh ideas. Do not despair over your situation; there are many places where you can look for ideas. Check all online sources, talk to your friends, ask your tutor or writing coach, ask your teacher, and listen. When you find good ideas, write them down or cut them out, and place them in an idea folder. Having a handy idea folder will save you when you have a block in coming up with a fresh essay idea for a topic.